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I am so excited to bring you my first ever spiritual self-help book!
Crystalline Rose: A Revolutionary Healing Concept For Feminine Empowerment.
Topics covered:
- A wonderful introduction to the new form of spirituality that is now available to us in the Age of Aquarius
- Self-help and development
- Spiritual gynaecology - spiritual and emotional root causes of reproductive diseases, illnesses and disorders
- Narcissistic abuse
- Childhood trauma: sexual abuse, neglect, violence and psychological
- Generational trauma and illness
- Womb trauma - your time in gestation
- Womb healing and awakening
- DNA and cellular damage caused by stress and trauma - this creates a blueprint of your; emotional, spiritual and reproductive health. I utilise the teachings of stem cell biologist Dr. Bruce H. Lipton
- Abusive relationships - root cause being narcissistic, dismissive, cruel and controlling parenting styles
- The psychological impact of childhood trauma and abuse as well as the physical damage to the emotional brain
- Spiritual concepts to help you self-heal as well as through my unique healing system
About The Book:
As we develop in the womb into beautiful females, we have no idea that our experiences in the uterus will one day become the energetic signature for our own womb health, and the relationships we have with both our mothers and spirituality. Simply put, we all carry at least one significant childhood wound that sets the scene for our intimate relationships in adulthood. Liz Camilla relies on her experience as a women’s wellness coach, shamanic, psychic healer, and founder of the dynamic healing system, Crystalline Rose, to explore the direct link between childhood neglect, abuse, feminine health, and spirituality struggles in order to help females heal the spiritual and psychological trauma that exists within our DNA, cells, and reproductive systems. While leading women on an immersive journey into the spiritual self, she shares groundbreaking concepts that vividly illustrate that the womb is the spiritual portal of feminine health, love, and intuition, as well as thoughtful guidance on how to navigate a challenging mother/daughter relationship and womb disconnection to ultimately realize a more enlightened state of being. Crystalline Rose shares a revolutionary healing concept that assists women in achieving feminine empowerment through emotional, physical, and spiritual recovery.