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Worth £430


Distance healing via email. This allows for a much deeper and fast-acting healing due to no interruptions.


Non-refundable once purchased.


Re-parenting and reprograming your wounded Inner Child!


Abusive, neglectful and emotionally unavailable parenting, schooling and society causes deep layers of psychological harm to a child. It has been noted that it can stunt emotional development and sets the foundation for a lifelong battle with mental and physical illness.


The key for successful IC healing is to work on the deepest layers of the cells that store early childhood trauma, neglect and harmful environments.


This particular healing method is very beautiful, gentle and supportive and it's largely based on Shamanic healing methods; utilising the loving support of Spirit Animals, nature Spirits and the cosmic frequencies of the Divine Mother and Father that are incredibly pure and radiate unconditional love.


In order to heal the IC, we must address the root causes of trauma that make the physical body feel very unsafe for this aspect of us to reside in. That is what created dissociation and trauma in the first place.


The more we neglect the IC, the sicker we become and we regress to damaged children in adulthood which affects our relationships, finances and compromises our general quality of life.


What's on offer:


3 x emersive and beautiful distance healing sessions to locate, heal and clear trauma contained within the cellular memory and psyche

Working with Spirit Animals to understand the fears, hurts and upsets you have been carrying

DNA healing to clear generational abuse and trauma inflicted upon children.




Abusive of any kind

Relationship problems


Narcissistic relationships

Low self-worth

Fear of the body and adulthood

Mental illness

Financial difficulties - can't seem to keep or make money

Addictions - parents or personally

Generational abuse and trauma

'Luna Inner Child' Healing package

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