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Distance healing via email. This allows for a much deeper and fast-acting healing due to no interruptions.


Non-refundable once purchased.


Worth £430


I designed this package at the start of 2023 after working with 1000s of clients who have suffered with emotional damage to their brains due to prolonged stress, trauma and struggles. It is this very area (our limbic system) that needs targeted DNA, cellular and energy healing in order to experience miraculous results. I tested it on myself after a harrowing 2 years and my life transformed pretty quickly!


🧠Healing your neurological pathways from toxic stress and trauma will give you a happier, healthier and abundant life.


🧠When our neurotransmitters are misfiring due to maltreatment in our early years and even as early as conception, the entire body starts to become sick and life can feel unbearable. If you notice that you are constantly sick, rundown or feeling demotivated by life, this is a classic sign that your emotional brain is heavily weighted down by toxic stress.


🧠Toxic stress is a massive burden on our vagus nerve that is connected to the stomach and is known to regulate or dysregulate your mental well-being.


🧠Toxic stress does inevitably kill the cells which can lead to diseases and that's why it's vital we look to heal both emotional and spiritual root causes of your disorders and inability to attract the healthier aspects of life!


Do you struggle with:






Low self-worth/confidence

Social anxiety

Other mental health related struggles

Brain fog

Lack of concentration and focus

Poor health

Spiritual disconnection


Have you experienced:

Childhood abuse: sexual, emotional, physical

Domestic violence

Divorce/breakups, romantic rejection

Sexual trauma

Narcissistic abuse

Death of a loved one

Shocking health diagnosis

Cancers and other disorders


Then this healing is the ideal package for you!


It works on the entire limbic system (emotional brain) that governs how mentally healthy and stable we are which further impacts our health. The damage starts to occur as a foetus if we were lacking the emotional safety within the womb.


What's on offer:


3 x intensive distance healing sessions that directly work on the neurological system and all of the components of our emotional brains that become damage due to a poor quality of life. This has to begin with your foetal stage as one of the primary organs, the Amygdala, begins to develop at 7 weeks as a foetus and is what causes a lot of mental health struggles as we age.


All sessions include DNA, cellular and celestial energy-healing frequenices in order to rewire your emotional brains and to assist your cells to rapidly heal and let go of the trauma triggers. Our bodies are incredibly responsive to this unique type of healing. Clients report feeling ligher, happier, healthier and mentally stable.


Please let me know if you are taking any medication for emotional struggles.

'Happy Brain' Healing Package

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